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Ultreïa Icelandics

Fleeces and Breeding Ewes For Sale

We currently have a large number of raw, unprocessed Icelandic sheep fleeces for sale in a variety of colours. We also have a number of bred and unbred Icelandic ewes for sale.

For more information please visit our Facebook page:


 You can also contact Michelle at:

info(at)hopebayfarm.com or 250.629.3770.

Why Do We Own Icelandic Sheep?

Well… because we think they’re GREAT!

For the past 4 years we have developed and maintained a small flock of Icelandic sheep that we pasture on neighbouring farms. We have grown to love these independently minded, immigrants from the Land of Fire and Ice.

The Icelandic sheep has long been a valued animal on farms in Iceland and now in North America. A number of their more noteworthy qualities include:

  • Triple purpose breed: fiber/meat/milk
  • Soft, lustrous dual coated fleece
  • Mild flavored, lean meat
  • Source of milk and cheese
  • Soft pelts
  • Many color and pattern combinations
  • Medium sized, early maturing, long lived
  • Excellent mothers and vigorous lambs
  • Suitable for pasture lambing
  • Highly prolific, reliable twinners
  • Thrive on good pasture and hay
  • Finish on good pasture in 4 to 5 months
  • Provide high value products for niche markets

Please contact us if you are interested in the breed. Depending on the time of year, we generally have lambs and sheep for sale. Hope Bay Farm is a registered Icelandic sheep breeder with ISBONA – the Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America.